0. Plugin Players Votes v.1.5.0 How to create a vote in cs 1.6 admin

Marksio company:

Making Counter Strike servers.
Marksio company:
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We do everything quickly and efficiently.
Making Counter Strike servers.
Marksio company:
Makes cs1.6 servers of any complexity - from 70 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes CSS servers - from 100 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a server cs 1.6-130rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a css server-150rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes fast downloads cs1.6-70rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
We do everything quickly and efficiently.
Making Counter Strike servers.
Marksio company:
Makes cs1.6 servers of any complexity - from 70 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes CSS servers - from 100 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a server cs 1.6-130rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a css server-150rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes fast downloads cs1.6-70rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
We do everything quickly and efficiently.
Making Counter Strike servers.
Marksio company:
Makes cs1.6 servers of any complexity - from 70 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes CSS servers - from 100 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a server cs 1.6-130rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a css server-150rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes fast downloads cs1.6-70rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
We do everything quickly and efficiently.
Making Counter Strike servers.
Marksio company:
Makes cs1.6 servers of any complexity - from 70 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes CSS servers - from 100 rubles - There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a server cs 1.6-130rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Teaches how to make a css server-150rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
Makes fast downloads cs1.6-70rub-There are guarantees.icq-615325774.skype-marksio_b1uf
We do everything quickly and efficiently.

The plugin adds the ability to vote for regular players. They can vote for kicking a player from the votekick server, for banning voteban, for disabling the player’s ability to speak and write in votemute chat, and vote for immediate map changes or for map changes after the end of the timelimit votemap
Commands: say votekick, voteban, votemap and votemute for use by players.

SourceMod 1.2 and higher

Changes in version 1.4.1:
(new CVARs, new translations)
Added the ability to voteban indicating the reason.
Added votemap option to set nextmap rather than changing map immediately.

SourceBans notice:
If a player votes in votebans, he will be notified that the SourceBans system is installed on the server, and the banned player will be entered into the SB system.

Voteban reasons:
Possibility to indicate the reason for the ban.

Integrated admin menu:
This menu allows administrators to cancel or close ongoing votes for everyone or for a specific type of vote. Add the line "pv_menu" to the adminmenu_sorting.txt and admin overrides files

Admins can be removed from the votekick, ban, and mute list after setting immunity:
Admins with immunity equal to or above the specified level will not be affected by votekick and voteban. 0 will give immunity to all admins. -1 will disable numerical level immunity.

Groups whose members are immune from votekick and voteban

Main config 1:
Use the following immunity based only on numerical immunity levels

sm_playersvotes_immunity "50.0" (or whatever number you want)
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups ""

Main config 2:
Use the following commands to immunize based only on group membership (in the example, only the Full Admins and Clan Members groups have immunity, all other administrators not in these groups have no immunity)

sm_playersvotes_immunity "-1.0"
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups "Full Admins; Clan Members"
Setting up a list of voting cards: votemap uses a mapcycle by default. The server administrator can additionally specify other lists of maps in the playersvotes section of the maplists.cfg file:


/* For playersvotes plugin */
"file" "maplist.txt"


sm_votekick_ratio - percentage of votes required for votekick
sm_voteban_ratio - percentage of votes required for voteban
sm_votemap_ratio - percentage of votes required for votemap
sm_votemute_ratio - percentage of votes required for votemute

sm_votekick_minimum - minimum number of votes required for votekick, -1 to disable votekick
sm_voteban_minimum - minimum number of votes required for voteban, -1 to disable voteban
sm_votemap_minimum - minimum number of votes required for votemap, -1 to disable votemap
sm_votemute_minimum - minimum number of votes required for votemute, -1 to disable votemute

sm_votekick_delay - time in seconds after which votekick will be allowed on the new map
sm_voteban_delay - time in seconds after which voteban will be allowed on the new map
sm_votemap_delay - time in seconds after which votemap will be allowed on the new map
sm_votemute_delay - time in seconds after which votemute will be allowed on the new map

sm_votekick_limit - the number of kick votes a player is allowed to use on one map. Use to control spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 to disable limits
sm_voteban_limit - the number of ban votes a player is allowed to use on one map. Use to control spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 to disable limits
sm_votemap_limit - the number of map votes a player is allowed to use on one map. Use to control spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 to disable limits
sm_votemute_limit - the number of votes for muting a voice a player is allowed to use on one map. Use to control spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 to disable limits

sm_playersvotes_interval - time in seconds between votes

sm_voteban_time - ban time. 0 for permanent bans

sm_voteban_reasons - list of reasons for bans separated by commas. (for example: "Hacking; Spamming; Griefing")

sm_playersvotes_immunity - admins with equal or higher immunity level cannot be subject to votekick and voteban. 0 to set immunity for all administrators. -1 disable immunity levels

sm_playersvotes_immunegroups - a comma-separated list of administrator groups that have immunity. "" to disable group immunity

sm_votemap_lastmaps - number of last played cards not included in the vote

sm_votemap_extend - the number of minutes by which the voting card can be extended. -1 to disable

sm_votemap_max_extends - the number of possible card extensions. -1 to disable the limit

sm_votemap_immediate - 1 to change the map immediately after voting. 0 to set the map to nextmap
sm_votekick_team_restrict - restrict voting for kick. 1 enabled, 0 disabled

sm_voteban_team_restrict - restrict ban votes to teams. 1 enabled, 0 disabled

sm_votemute_team_restrict- restrict mute votes to teams. 1 enabled, 0 disabled

sm_playersvotes_menu_timeout - how many seconds to display the vote. 0 to disable the limit

Many people have had situations when, while playing in competitive mode, they needed to step away or leave completely, but they didn’t want to get banned. So, you can simply be kicked from the game and the chance of getting a ban is much less.

To enable the console in CS:GO, you need to do this:

Login to CS:GO
- Click "Help and Settings"
- Click "Game Options"
- In the item "Enable developer console (~) select "Yes"
- Click "Back"

These screenshots were kindly provided by my clanmates. Uploaded for those who write to me for the umpteenth time that this system of kicking through the console does not work...

How to avoid a ban when kicking in competitive mode.

Probably every CS: GO player has had situations when you were kicked out while playing in competitive mode. Naturally, in such cases you received a ban. Moreover, the reasons why you were kicked out may differ. Starting from the banal “didn’t buy a weapon” and ending with racial discrimination. So, in order to avoid a ban in such cases, I would like to tell you about a bug that allows you to do this. So, let’s imagine a situation where, while playing in competitive mode, they start kicking you out.

Quickly exit to the main menu via ESC. Or close the game by pressing Alt+F4.

After exiting, wait about 30 seconds and reconnect. During this time, voting should end.

If it happens that they start kicking you out again, we simply repeat the steps from the first point. In general, try not to allow this to happen and everything will be fine.

We look through the smoke without using input programs.

This program changes graphic details, but there will not be a complete video change in the picture. All we need is:

  • Download Nvidia Inspector.
  • Open it and select the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
  • Then follow the instructions described in the video (I don’t see the point in writing everything when it’s easier to watch the video)
  • Thanks to a foreign friend for providing information.

Correct use of the bot in competitive game mode.

Game launch options.

There is a very interesting feature in Steam: “Game Launch Options”, this is exactly what we will use. So:
  1. Go to the Steam Library.
  2. Right mouse button Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  3. Click Properties - Launch Options.
In this column we enter the following properties:

-novid- removes the splash screen when starting the game;

-threads 4- forces CS:GO to use 4 processor cores. If you have 2 or 6, instead of 4 there should be 2 or 6, respectively;

-high- Launches the game with high priority (you can also enable this ability in the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) (also helps with low FPS);

-tickrate 128- sets the refresh rate to 128 (when the LAN server starts);

+fps_max 120- maximum FPS point is 120. That is, there will be no FPS above 120. I advise you to write “10000” instead of “120”. This will make loading the map faster.

As a result, you should end up with something like this:

Novid -threads 2 -high +fps_max 10000 -dxlevel 90 -refresh 120 -tickrate 128

Hi all. In this article I will tell you how to kick yourself in cs go. Everything is quite simple and even novice players can easily cope with it. Let's begin.

Let's start by figuring out why people are kicked out of matchmaking in the first place. In my humble opinion, there are several reasons for this:

  • The player destroys the skating rink - i.e. Instead of playing normally, he takes and deliberately prevents others from winning. For example, he can constantly run to the mid lane to die, give his opponents information about teammates, drop a bomb, etc.
  • Plays poorly - if you have few frags, then impatient players may rush to kick you
  • Insults others - often votes for the kick of the first place, because he considers himself the king of the cs and humiliates his teammates
  • Just like that - sometimes people play in parties for fun and then they can suffer from all sorts of nonsense, including kicking whoever they want

Well, okay, let's move on to action. The easiest way to kick a player out of competitive mode, which is known to everyone, is through the menu. Press Esc -> start voting -> kick the player out. Choose the nickname you want and you're done. Everything would be fine, but this way you can’t kick yourself out of mm. What to do?

Command to kick yourself in mm

To kick ourselves in cs go we need 2 commands - status and callvote kick. But first of all, you need to open the console (look in the settings to see what key you have there) -> then enter status. You will receive the nicknames of the players and a personal number for each of them. Copy yours (if you are going to kick yourself out).

status - find out your number

callvote - enter your number

Next, we write callvote kick 1111, where instead of my four ones you put the number copied earlier. This way you can kick yourself both on your server and in competitive mode. By the way, some are afraid that they will be banned for such a trick - relax, nothing like that will happen.

That's all. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Just in case, I’m also including video instructions, plus after the video I’ll go over a couple more points.

Video about kicking yourself

A couple more points

What to do if everyone starts saying kick him and then voting starts against you?

It's good to have a loyal friend who is ready to protect you. But you may well be able to save yourself. To do this, immediately exit the game when voting begins. Wait a minute and join again. What's the joke here? When you leave, a bot appears instead of you, and since you are not physically on the server, they can no longer kick you out.

Next is this moment. You created a lobby and then some leftist dudes you don’t know join you. To get rid of them, just press the cross, and as if in the blink of a magic wand, they will evaporate.

That's all. I hope that now kicking yourself into cs go will not be a problem for you. All the best.

Console admin commands for Counter-Strike 1.6

Admin console commands are required to manage cs 1.6 servers. With these commands you can ban, kick, print beautiful text in the game, display votes. You will also need these commands to configure the server. Be sure to save all admin commands in cs 1.6 to your computer so as not to forget or lose them. Read the descriptions carefully, otherwise you will face sad consequences on the server, so do not confuse anything when entering commands in the console. In our Russian version, using console commands is much easier.

All console commands must be entered strictly according to this example:
amx_<команда> <опция1> <опция2>[option3]

Required parameters are marked<>, optional - . Symbols<>and no need to enter.

If you want to get the entire list of commands, enter this console command in cs 1.6:

To quickly call the main menu of the admin amxmodmenu, so as not to constantly enter it in the console, you can bind it for a quick call.

FOR EXAMPLE: bind f2 "amxmodmenu", and when you press F2 it will immediately pop up. You can replace F2 with any other button convenient for you.

Menu commands in CS 1.6 server

These commands require ACCESS_LEVEL_A access not "a", but "m". Command Access Description
amxmodmenu ADMIN_MENU Displays the main menu of AMX Mod X.
amx_cvarmenu ADMIN_CVAR Display the CVAR menu.
amx_mapmenu ADMIN_MAP Display the menu for changing maps.
amx_votemapmenu ADMIN_MAP Display the voting menu for changing the map.
amx_kickmenu ADMIN_KICK Display the kick menu.
amx_banmenu ADMIN_BAN Display the ban menu.
amx_slapmenu ADMIN_SLAY Display slap/slay menu.
amx_teammenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A Display the player command menu.
amx_clcmdmenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A Display the client command menu.
amx_cmdmenu??? Server command menu.
amx_restmenu ADMIN_CFG Display weapon menu.
amx_teleportmenu ADMIN_CFG Teleport menu.
amx_pausecfgmenu ADMIN_CFG Pause menu.
amx_statscfgmenu ADMIN_CFG Statistics menu.

Console commands in CS 1.6 for admin

amxmodmenuADMIN_MENU Displays the main menu

amx_kick <имя или #userid>[reason] ADMIN_KICK Kick the specified player.
amx_ban <имя или #userid> <время>[reason] ADMIN_BAN Ban the specified player.
amx_addban <время>[reason] ADMIN_BAN Add a ban to the server ban list.
amx_unban ADMIN_BAN Unban a player.
amx_slay <имя или #userid>ADMIN_SLAY Kill the player.
amx_slap <имя или #userid>[damage] ADMIN_SLAY Hit a player for several hits.
amx_leave <тег>[tag1] [tag2] [tag3] ADMIN_KICK Kick all players not on the list.
amx_pause ADMIN_CVAR Stop or continue the game.
amx_who ADMIN_ADMIN Show everyone who is on the server.
amx_cvar ADMIN_CVAR Show or change cvar values.
amx_map <карта>ADMIN_MAP Change map.
amx_nick <исходное имя> <новое имя>ADMIN_LEVEL_A Change the player's nickname.
amx_cfg <имя файла>ADMIN_CFG Attach configuration file
amx_rcon ADMIN_RCON Execute the command in the server console.
amx_plugins ADMIN_ADMIN Lists all loaded plugins.

Admin commands for chat in Counter-Strike 1.6

Command Format Access Description
amx_say <сообщение>ADMIN_CHAT Send a message to all players.
amx_chat <сообщение>ADMIN_CHAT Send a message to all administrators.
amx_psay <имя или #userid> <сообщение>ADMIN_CHAT Send a private message to the user.
amx_tsay <цвет> <сообщение>ADMIN_CHAT Send a message of a certain color above the chat.
amx_csay <цвет> <сообщение>ADMIN_CHAT Send a message of a certain color in the middle of the screen.

amx_votemap <карта>[map] [map] [map] ADMIN_VOTE Voting to change the map.
amx_votekick<имя или #userid>ADMIN_VOTE Voting for player kick.
amx_voteban <имя или #userid>ADMIN_VOTE Voting to ban a player.
amx_vote<Вопрос> <Ответ1> <ответ2>[response3] ADMIN_VOTE Start random voting.
amx_cancelvote ADMIN_VOTE Stop running voting.

Menu of individual sections for the admin
amx_mapmenu- display the map change menu
amx_kickmenu- display kick menu
amx_banmenu- ban menu
amx_votemapmenu- display the menu for selecting cards for voting
amx_slapmenu- slap menu (kick a player)
amx_teammenu- display the player's team selection menu

Console commands for statistics in Counter Strike 1.6

say /hp Display information about your killer.
say /statsme Display your statistics.
say /stats displays statistics of other players.
say /top15 Displays the top 15 players.
say /rank Display your rank on the server.

RCON admin commands

Team: amxx
Description: List of commands:
amxx version- Show version.
amxx modules- Display modules.
amxx plugins- Display plugins.
amxx gpl- Display GNU General Public License
amxx cvars- Show AMX Mod X commands for CVARs.
amxx cmds- Show registered AMX Mod X commands.
amxx pause- stopping plugins.
amxx unpause- Resume plugins from the list
amx_modules ADMIN_ADMIN Lists all loaded modules.

Experienced CS 1.6 admins are already using our builds because they are very easy to use. and enter console commands with ease and understanding. By the way, in this counter strike 1.6 client we have bound several frequently used commands that the admin always needs.